Go Green with Automobiles

mar-15-greeHybrid and electric cars are coming to reality in the present scenario. Electric cars with engines run on electricity and do not need gasoline. Hybrid cars make use of electricity while going for short distances and gasoline for long drives and while in high speeds.

These kinds of eco-friendly cars have numerous advantages to the customers. The cost of fuel is highly reduced for the customer; he can save 38% of fuel in the city and 19% on the highways. Our resources of oil being limited, the hybrid car removes our worries regarding this resource being unavailable very soon to each one and everyone.

Hybrid cars do not depend entirely on this precious resource and so we can save on our oil resources. Even the Government offers certain tax benefits on the purchases of hybrid cars to encourage more and more people to buy the same. Carbon and Sulphur emissions are highly reduced in hybrid cars and altogether removed in electrical cars hence saving the environment from pollution by maintaining a healthy and clean atmosphere.

Major highways are going to be designed in such a way that they have separate lanes especially for these cars to enable faster movements and easy commuting. These cars are designed using light and eco-friendly materials which in turn make the vehicle easy to handle and operate in all ways. These types of vehicles have lessened the impact on the environment.

The greater section of the scientific community emphasizes that global warming is caused by the release of excess carbon into the Earth’s atmosphere. The major part of this comes from the carbon which is produced by gasoline in the vehicles. We must use less gasoline for transportation purposes and ward off global warming and save many plant and animal species from going extinct forever. Eco friendly cars are definitely a better investment specifically with regards to the soaring gas prices.

How to make the Regular Car more Environment Friendly

Given below are several things we can do to change our traditional vehicle to an eco-friendly one. Some of them are very simple but some others require changes to our driving habits.

Drive within the speed limit do not accelerate swiftly this helps to save the gas.

Make use of synthetic oil and high-flow air filters.

Do regular Replacement of spark plugs.

Maintenance of the vehicle should be regular.

Turn off the engine if you wish to stop for more than 30 seconds.

Remove all the excess weight from the vehicle.

Always keep the tires properly inflated.

Make use of car covers when not driving and at night to maintain safety.

Automotive Design; an extensive opportunity creator for budding engineers

By 2016, India will emerge as the destination of choice in Asia for the design & manufacture of automobiles and automotive components. The output of the India’s automotive sector will be € 115 billion by 2016 contributing to 10 % of India’s Gross Domestic Product and providing employment to 25 million persons additionally.

The Automotive Industry

mar-15autoThe automobile industry is growing at a strong pace after its revival post the financial meltdown in 2008. The selling of light and heavy-duty vehicles has been up driven by transformed consumer confidence in the economy and higher spending. Government authorities issue emission standards in order to curb harmful emissions from vehicles, power plants and refineries. The automobile industry is supposed to adhere to the emission standards. To ensure that the vehicles are in compliance with emission standards emission control systems are used. The newer and stricter emission standards require the automobile manufacturers to upgrade their emission control systems continuously in order to remain in compliance. The manufacturers of automotive substrates and filters feel a positive effect on them because of these standards.

India presently follows Bharat Stage III standard, which is along the Euro III standard, for both light and heavy-duty vehicles. The Bharat IV standard, which is along the Euro IV standard, is at present being followed in select cities, but will be implemented across the country by 2015.

These standards have opened up numerous opportunities for people with an automobile engineering, mechanical engineering and technical diplomas in these areas. Mechanical / electronics / electrical engineers and those specializing in automobile engineering are involved in the assembly, testing, design, servicing and even marketing aspects of the automobile industry. Students of mechanical engineering can also opt for automobile engineering as an optional subject in many engineering colleges. The automobile industry is the barometer of the economic and social changes taking place in the country. It is one of the major sources of employment and is likely to create employment for thousands of new hands directly and indirectly, in near future.

Automotive design course at CADD Centre

This course fires up the interest in automotive body design while introducing to all stages of designing automobiles, architecture of automotive body and the graphical representation of the body parts using software. The objective of the course is to train you in designing primary body parts – body shell, body components, and body interior components of commercial and industrial vehicles. Automotive design course is basically concerned with developing the visual appearance or aesthetics of the vehicle. It is practiced by designers who usually have an art background and a degree in industrial design or transportation design. Along with the basics of automotive design, functional design and positioning; vehicle packaging; all about chassis and bodies the learners get introduced to automotive styling and learn how to build and control simple and complex geometry; CV sculpting method; CLASS A surfacing; surface conversion to other CAD; surface evaluation; and show room rendering. It is ideally suited for B.E. / B.Tech Mechanical students in the year (3rd/Final year), B.E. / B.Tech Automobile students in the year (3rd/Final year), M.E / M.Tech / M.S students in Design / CAD CAM/ Automobile, Professionals working in automotive design. For more details please visit www.iidesign.co.in

Hone your skills and be employable

mar-15-honeEmployability skills are essential for getting, maintaining and excelling in any profession.

These skills and attitude help employees to move effectively and maintain a friendly relation within the organization while making critical decisions, solving problems, developing respect and eventually becoming strong ambassadors for the organization.

Employability is the foundation of a career building block and they are recurrently found lacking in most of the professionals. Subsequently companies have to spend a lot of time and money to improve their basic skills. During times of high recession and competition employers prefer candidates with well-rounded employability skills.

Our educational qualifications and professional experiences will provide eligibility to apply for a job but to be successful in the position and place we must possess a mix of skills which is ’employability skills’ which means that the specific capabilities, technical skills associated with different roles and positions are important at their own place but employability skills are the most crucial for any job or position.

An organization’s progress depends on its employees who have been identified for their right skills and qualities for their specific roles accordingly. The applicants might have the qualifications and ‘hard skills’ required in managing the role but without a well-honed set of ‘soft skills’ and ‘interpersonal skills’ they would not be able to do justice to the position. Interpersonal skills are the skills used to interact with people; they allow you to take part effectively as a member of a team, gratify customers and clients’ anticipations, negotiate, make decisions and manage efficiently to build a better working environment which can be less stressful.

The Employability Skill Development Program (ESDP) at the Synergy school of business instructs one with the required skills to gain a competitive edge in any job market. This program, with an importance on hands on training, makes use of techniques like role play, business communication, and team leadership. It aims for an overall development of the participants and seeks to provide a deeper understanding of various aspects of human relations, social awareness, presentation of self, working with a team while learning to negotiate and manage conflicts while at the same time encouraging independent thinking and decision making.

Enhancing communication skills and overcoming barriers in communication forms an important part of this program. The course also focuses on personal traits like body language, pronunciation and self-confidence, it is designed to encourage the candidate to focus on personal developmental goals, understand the significance of information mapping and thereby excel in interviews and group discussions.

They use the ‘role play’ technique in the program which helps participants understand the challenges of teamwork, barriers in communication as well as the confidence issues that go hand in hand with team presentation and public speaking. Individuals looking for personal and professional growth, enhanced career opportunities and improved personal relationships can join this program. It is relevant to even a fresher from all streams as well as those from different age groups. For further details please go through our website.
