Energy in any form is something that we humans need every day to carry out any and every work. With technologies grabbing a rapid rise in developing the products and services, the need for a rich energy source is an obvious demand. In this world of energy, all we need is a Holy Grail power source that is clean, inexpensive, with no emissions and which stays forever.
We recently witnessed some of the inventions that have grabbed attention and made people more optimistic about the future of energy. These energy inventions may change people’s perspective towards technologies that can generate as well as utilize energy in best and optimum manners, as there can be. Not only these will make life easier, but also they will help us take care of our planet better. Some of the amazing energy inventions of 2015 that can change the future of the energy and power sector can be:
The Solar Outlet
The Solar outlet is a complete revolution for its comfort and practicality. This device on one side has solar panels and a suction cup that makes it capable to adhere it to any glass (a car window or at home). The devise absorbs solar radiation and converts it to electricity. The other side of the device has the traditional outlet that can be used for anything. The Solar Outlet is highly portable and can be carried in pockets wherever you go.
Portable Solar Kitchen
The portable solar kitchen can be a perfect solution for people who love food at the outdoors. The GoSun Kitchen is a device that uses solar energy to reach a temperature upto 370oC. The device is capable to cook anything you want it to within 20 minutes. The portable kitchen lets you bake, boil and fry food consuming 90% of the solar energy which is captured through the reflectors.
Portable Solar Laptops
Solar energy is making portable computers even more portable by setting them free from the traditional electrical connectivity. SOL is such a portable computer, or you can say a laptop that does not need an electrical power supply to be charged and used. The laptop uses solar energy to work which can be absorbed through the solar panels attached at the back side of the laptop.
The system operates on open source Ubuntu Linux operating system and also has a very low price. The device is hassle free and can be charged in just 2 hours. This computer was basically designed for improving education in the developing countries, but it can also be used by travelers or people who work outdoors.
Solar Air Conditioning
Air Conditioners are the ones which are the major generators of CO2 in the environment. Looking to this LG is the brand which came up with Air Conditioners that are powered by solar energy. These air conditioners are capable of reducing approximately 212 kg of CO2 in 10 years. The appliance combines solar energy generated by its modular cells to produce energy up to 70 watts per hour. This device will also increase user’s savings up to 35 to 50 % on a monthly bill. Although the Air Conditioner costs double the usual ones, it pays for itself in a few years of use.
Tree Shaped Wind Turbines
A French company, New Wind is installing tree shaped wind turbines in Paris, France. These trees are used to exploit small air currents flowing along streets and buildings. The company admits that these turbines have low efficiency as compared to the traditional wind turbines, but also believes that these can be more viable and less intrusive than those.
Pepsi’s New Green Pet Bottle
Beverage bottles are one of the major pollution causing agents for the environment. PepsiCo, being one of the top food and Beverage Company in the world since 2010, is now working on developing environment-friendly bottles. Recently, the company developed world’s first plastic bottle that is made entirely from renewable and plant- sourced raw materials. These bottles, when compared to other plastic bottles, leaves less carbon trace on the planet.
The Spherical Sun Power generator
A German company Rawlemon, has created a spherical sun power generator called the Beta.ray. The technology blends spherical geometry principles with a dual axis tracking sys
tem, allowing twice the yield of conventional solar panels in a comparatively smaller surface area. The design of the Beta.ray is fully rotational and suitable for inclined surfaces, walls of buildings or anywhere with an access to the open sky. The Beta.ray is equipped with a hybrid collector to convert electricity as well as thermal energy.
Conversion of Waste Heat to Electricity
The modern world has seen development with rapid Industrialization. And this industrialization has led to a huge rise in temperature. Millions of industries across the world are generating heat in their everyday process that is wasted. Some of the researchers took this pretty serious and doing research to convert this wasted heat energy into electricity. The team claims that Thermoelectricity can convert heat directly into electricity in a device that has no moving parts. This eventually leads to eradication of Ozone depletion materials protecting the earth’s environment.
Solar Stereo Speakers
Devotec Solar Sound to Stereo Bluetooth Speakers are the next generation speakers that are completely wireless. They use Bluetooth to connect to any music systems and smart phones. These wireless speakers lets you enjoy music anywhere in the sun. These wireless portable speakers are powered by solar cells and you need to do is to simply keep them in the open sunlight and enjoy instant and clear resonant music wherever you want.
The new Super Bacterium Doubles the Hydrogen Gas Production
The primary use of Hydrogen gas today is for manufacturing chemicals, but future predictions about Hydrogen gas says a lot about using it as a vehicle fuel in combination of fuel cells. The present methods of Hydrogen gas production have a major issue, i.e. the hydrogen exchange with respect to raw materials is low. To resolve this issue, researchers have discovered a new bacterium that is capable of producing twice as much hydrogen gas as the bacteria currently use. The use of these bacterium show amazing results proving how excellent these bacterium are for this purpose through a complete biological production of the hydrogen gas.
PV Cell Prototype Generates Electricity from IR and UV Lights
Researchers at the Kyoto Institute of Technology have been working upon solar energy absorption. A little diverged from the original path, they are working to trap the visible as well as invisible Sun rays to generate electricity. They are making efforts to create a new Photovoltaic cell that is capable to capture visible, Ultraviolet and infrared rays from the Sun. The team believes that this cell will be hugely efficient for solar power conversion.
All these inventions will not only change our lives, makes things easier, but ultimately lead to a clean and hygienic environment. Utilizing the natural resources to convert them in to an energy sources is one of the major advances we are going to make. These inventions will not only make us leaders in the field of Science or Technology, but also will help improve our health and the surrounding.
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