Unconventional courses are the future, traditional streams have hit a low!

Engineering and MBA have become the main stream of courses that most of the students desire. However, they do not offer the worth as their name suggests. Recently, a survey of MBA and Engineer students, identified that only 7% of the MBA and engineering students are employable. The rest, if placed, earn less than ten thousand per month. These traditional courses have been affected a lot in the global market. The students are greatly discouraged due to such stats.


The End of Traditional Courses

A faculty of IIM, Varsha Khander, said “Yes, many streams in engineering, such as Mechanical Electrical, and Chemical have reached a point of stagnation. There are very few jobs in the market, and they are not very exciting. Traditional MBA has also reached its tipping point. There is a clear mismatch in the demand and supply. Students are looking for fresh courses that will rule the job market in the coming years”. Thus, students are shifting from traditional to unconventional courses. “I want to perhaps study Spa Management, let’s see who offers that. Or else, have to move abroad,” says, Vinith Kumar, a student of a Top International.


New Unconventional Courses

Some institutions have lately gained awareness for the demand of unconventional subjects. For example, iNurture in Bangalore has partnered with Golden Valley Education Trust and Europe’s Galileo Educational Network to provide new-age global programs to Indian UG and PG students. The programs help the student to pursue global careers such as

  • Sports Management
  • Luxury Management
  • Tourism
  • Hospitality Management
  • Cartography
  • Anthropology
  • Tea Tasting
  • Art Restoration
  • Puppetry
  • Design
  • Digital

MBA degrees in these courses is not only exciting, but they also have a lot of opportunities. They are the youth courses for the new age youth. Dr. T Venkat Vardhan, Founder of DNA Entertainment Networks Pvt Ltd. believe that the future of education is in the hands of such courses. He says, “The vocational, allied and technical disciplines need to be paid attention, and through Golden Valley Education Trust, I am trying to do that.”


Keys to Nailing your Engineering Job Interview

Job Interview is the worst nightmare for all the Engineering students. It haunts every student right from the beginning of the final semester. So to help the students and to make them fearless about interviews we have curated a list of interview tips. Read the tips given below to nail your engineering interview.

  • Never miss building a rapport. Create an excellent First Impression with a firm handshake and eye contact with the interviewer. It signifies confidence and professionalism.
  • Acquire all the information about the applied Job position. Learn about the job roles and the key skills required for the same. It will help you navigate the interview.
  • Know your company. Gather maximum information about the company including its product, press release, partners, affiliations, etc. This background research will help you nail the interview.
  •  Be well versed with your CV. The interviewer may ask you anything from your CV, so make sure every information present in the CV is justifiable.
  • Never miss the fundamental learning. Interviewers usually ask questions from the engineering basics. Make sure you are well acquainted with the fundamentals.
  • Don’t hesitate to talk. Communication skill is an important parameter for evaluation in a job interview. So keep the conversation alive with sensible discussions.
  • Always ask questions. It will give an impression of vigilance.


All the engineering students and graduates must follow these key tips to nail their upcoming job interviews.


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Intangible Soft Skills: An Engineers Key to Stand Out and Succeed

Today’s era is the era of engineers. The field of engineering is very vast and provides a lot of opportunities. So far there has been a simple career formula for peaceful life.


Peaceful life = Bachelor’s degree + Experience + Pension + Retirement


However, the formula is not applicable in the current competitive world. Apart from technical skills, the companies look forward to additional skills in every candidate. Soft skills are one among those important additional skills.


Is Soft Skill Really Important?

There is no doubt that soft skills really matter to an engineer. There have been several cases where extremely talented engineers have failed in teamwork, client communication or maintaining professionalism. Studies found that people with soft skills outperform those who only rely on technical skill. Therefore, employers value engineers who master both technical and dynamic skills.


Mastering Soft Skill

7The basic thing to understand is the way work is done in any engineering environment. The way work is done today has also become a critical factor. The engineering field includes highly mobile teams and handling multigenerational workforce and projects. On a daily basis, engineers encounter fresh graduates as well as highly experienced professionals. Employees need to bridge the gap between such differences and efficiently communicate with all the individuals encountered during their work. On a global basis, projects require a high level of collaboration. An engineer might have to work with other members working miles away. Several differences might stand as an obstacle in any global project such as

  • Language
  • Culture
  • Time zone
  • Working hours and many others.

An employee without the right soft skill will find it hard to adapt to such project which might affect both the individual and the employers.

In the world of project-centric work, only the employees with intangible skills can dodge various pitfalls throughout the lifetime of the project. The employers look for candidates who can

  • Successfully complete a job which will highly depend on the tangible skills of an individual
  • Skilfully manage any project is a skill that every employer looks in a candidate
  • Handle complex projects rather than just be a part of it are more preferred

Whether you are looking for an engineering role or trying to move up your career, marketing your soft skills as an asset will pitch your capability and help you to achieve your goals. It is a differentiator that will put you in the spotlight.


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What’s new in the SOLIDWORKS 2018 release?

1SOLIDWORKS, a CAD software, assists in creating solid models (both 2D and 3D) in a simple, fast and cost-effective manner. The prime benefit of using SOLIDWORKS is the ease to use, simple graphics UI and highly user-friendly. The software provides features such as solid modeling, toolbox, motion, circuit works, e-drawings, and DWG editor.

SOLIDWORKS World is a platform where the attendees meet the SOLIDWORKS partners and share the products that the SOLIDWORKS customers design. The SOLIDWORKS WORLD 2017, gave a lot of surprise to the SOLIDWORKS fans. The team previewed a few new features and enhancements coming in the year 2018. The modifications included Assemblies, Fabrication, Sketching, PDM, 3D Interconnect, and Generative Design.


There were a few mind blowing enhancements in sketching. Some of them are as follows

  1. Mirror 3D Sketch Entities: In a 3D sketch, the user will have the ability to mirror the entities of the sketch.
  2. Sketch Planes as Symmetry Reference: A plane can be used as a symmetry reference to mirror 2D and 3D sketch entities.
  3. Pen Sketching: With Windows 10 touch screen devices, the designers will have the ability to draw contours by freehand using a stylus or a pen.


With the enhancements in Assembly, SOLIDWORKS 2018 will definitely improve the performance of the users.

  1. During mate, the ALT key can be used to hide the surfaces.
  2. The 2018 release of SOLIDWORKS will have 12 mouse gestures.
  3. There is a new dialog for performance.
  4. The new release will feature a new progress bar for assembly.
  5. A new home screen will make assembly even more interesting.
  6. Large Assembly
    • Mate and insert graphic components easily.
    • Revert the data to graphics for better
    • The ability to off the scenery (graphics data).
    • Set multiple objects to be resolved in a Large Design Review.

3D Interconnect

  1. Custom properties.
  2. Ability to preserve sketches and curves.
  3. Updating neutral files is supported.
  4. The new release will support IGES, ACIS, STEP, and JT.


  1. New slot and tab feature works in parts, multi-body parts, and assemblies.
  2. Drawing revision table with SOLIDWORKS PDM bi-directional communication.

Generative Design

  1. SIMULATION view in SOLIDWORKS Integration.
  2. Manufacturing Controls
  3. Multiple Objective support

These are just the preview of some of the modifications. The list of new features and modifications will be known only after the release of the product.

Support Women Engineers – The World Needs Them!

Women with the desire, skills, and ability can enter and succeed in any stream or profession that she wishes. However, it is depressing to find that most of the women after attaining their qualification in technology and science make a U-turn, not to return. Recently, many organizations all around the world have launched campaigns and taken initiatives to increase the women in the engineering field. The world needs women with higher capabilities and problem-solving skills. Here, are the ways to encourage and attract women towards the engineering field:

Promoting Girls towards the Sector in Early Age

Several organizations are into the practice of promoting girls in the sector by encouraging them to choose right subjects. They are also dedicated to inform and explain the rewarding opportunities available to women in the sector. There are organizations who invite a huge number of female graduates and provide them with essential training and remarkable career options.

Creation of Flexible Work Culture

Women are usually surrounded by family responsibilities to look after. So, it is significant to ascertain flexible working environment which will act as a key to attract women in the engineering sector. Since we have technology that works beyond the geographical boundaries and people work to meet the need of employers sitting in any part of the world. Thus, it is possible to offer women with flexible work culture to give a boost in their career options and involve women in the very important sector.

Arrival of More Engineering Campaigns

It is also possible to encourage women towards the sector through targeted campaigns such as The Institute of Engineering and Technology’s (IET) award namely, Young Woman of the Year in the UK where women are rewarded as the supporting partners. Involvement of such popular campaigns will increase women interest and action towards Engineering. In addition, business and schools can collaborate and work towards raising women awareness in engineering.

Eradication of Discrimination and Biased Behaviour

Recruiting of women would easily take place if they were present on selection panels. Elaborately, women usually do not appear for job selection or are not present to get shortlisted. All form of prejudiced thinking should abandon to make sure no discrimination takes place and women are able to make their way to better opportunities.
There is much of work involved in guiding girls and explaining them career-enhancing jobs in the field of engineering. Therefore, the complete engineering field must be widened and should direct the jobs to them so that, female population is present in the suitable number at all the levels.

The Evolution of the Engineering Services Outsourcing Industry

The integration of IT into daily life has already impacted the world to a very great extent. And this implementation is expanding day by day. Every year, the products are introduced with tight IT integration in them. ‘Smart’ is a new concept today and every product is getting smarter every year. Smart objects such as lights that automatically turn on and off are the next big thing. With such expansion of IT, the growth of engineering service outsourcing (ESO) industry is also booming. The ESO providers have taken the lead when it comes to integrating IT and engineering. There are three waves of evolution in this industry, and we are currently in the second wave.




Wave 1 (2000 – 2010)

The first wave of engineering services is the services of yesterday. The enterprises till date consider engineering services as an extension of the engineering organizations.  The market of ESO has remained smaller when compared to IT outsourcing (ITO) or business process outsourcing (BPO).  The ESO has always survived with a core group of service providers and the engagements have contacts that are tactical and delivered through time-and-materials (T&M) arrangements.

From the data collected in 2014, it was found that a quarter of the overall engineering services market was accounted by India-based providers. The worth of this quarter of the market is approximately US $80 million per year. The Engineering Service Providers (ESPs) and the Global Engineering Centers (GECs) make up the Indian ESO industry and almost half of the top 500 R&D spenders operate through these GECs in India.

Wave 2 (2010- 2017)

Technology has advanced in many fields like sensors, distributed company, wireless communications, and big-data. These technologies are provisioning the rapid transformation of the Internet of Things (IoT). The consumer expectations are increasing at a very fast pace and thus embedded electronics and IT are permeating the service and product engineering services.

In all the industries, the firms are dealing with a wide range of devices and data. These challenges create a unique opportunity for ESO providers. The ESO providers can create intelligent engineering applications that can monitor and customize the entire experience of any product.  There are several ideas such as real-time health care, smart homes and remote monitoring them, connected cars and much more. The created intelligent products store their own data and use it to establish a feedback loop. The OEMs can constantly deliver intelligent products as-a-service whose customer experience and product evolution are defined using software applications.

Wave 3 (2015 onwards)

In the third wave, the ESO industry integrates manufacturing as the third field of expertise. The security in the industrial internet is increasing day by day which is creating a new dynamic in robotics, 3D printing, and industrial automation. The third change is beginning and has two phases.

  1. With the evolution of “Digital Shop Floor”, the previously collected information will integrate with systems like product Lifecycle management (PLM), Enterprise resource Planning (ERP), and Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES). Such integration will increase the productivity, optimize the operational costs, improve the safety, and enhance asset uptime utility.
  1. The product maintenance and the repair requirements will have a lot of impact with the introduction of design-to-print concepts of additive and 3D manufacturing. For example, a washing machine that has the ability to provide 24/7 monitoring and can trigger the local provider with the need of printing a spare part.

Engineering Services and its changing nature

The need for change in the ESO delivery model has risen to realize the full potential of the growth capacities of technology. The current GECs must broaden their scope and invest further to meet all the upcoming challenges of IT-enabled engineering. Moreover, the GECs must also leverage the exposure, experience, and ESO providers’ investments.

In the future, the managed service contracts for ESO will require shifting from traditional engagement models to demand tight integration of service which includes key performance indicators, metrics of client business, and service level agreements that are stringent. In such way, the business model will move towards sharing risk and reward between the service providers and the client.