Go Green with Automobiles

mar-15-greeHybrid and electric cars are coming to reality in the present scenario. Electric cars with engines run on electricity and do not need gasoline. Hybrid cars make use of electricity while going for short distances and gasoline for long drives and while in high speeds.

These kinds of eco-friendly cars have numerous advantages to the customers. The cost of fuel is highly reduced for the customer; he can save 38% of fuel in the city and 19% on the highways. Our resources of oil being limited, the hybrid car removes our worries regarding this resource being unavailable very soon to each one and everyone.

Hybrid cars do not depend entirely on this precious resource and so we can save on our oil resources. Even the Government offers certain tax benefits on the purchases of hybrid cars to encourage more and more people to buy the same. Carbon and Sulphur emissions are highly reduced in hybrid cars and altogether removed in electrical cars hence saving the environment from pollution by maintaining a healthy and clean atmosphere.

Major highways are going to be designed in such a way that they have separate lanes especially for these cars to enable faster movements and easy commuting. These cars are designed using light and eco-friendly materials which in turn make the vehicle easy to handle and operate in all ways. These types of vehicles have lessened the impact on the environment.

The greater section of the scientific community emphasizes that global warming is caused by the release of excess carbon into the Earth’s atmosphere. The major part of this comes from the carbon which is produced by gasoline in the vehicles. We must use less gasoline for transportation purposes and ward off global warming and save many plant and animal species from going extinct forever. Eco friendly cars are definitely a better investment specifically with regards to the soaring gas prices.

How to make the Regular Car more Environment Friendly

Given below are several things we can do to change our traditional vehicle to an eco-friendly one. Some of them are very simple but some others require changes to our driving habits.

Drive within the speed limit do not accelerate swiftly this helps to save the gas.

Make use of synthetic oil and high-flow air filters.

Do regular Replacement of spark plugs.

Maintenance of the vehicle should be regular.

Turn off the engine if you wish to stop for more than 30 seconds.

Remove all the excess weight from the vehicle.

Always keep the tires properly inflated.

Make use of car covers when not driving and at night to maintain safety.