Five ways to ensure that your corporate training initiatives are effective

To fill up the competency gap towards building a productive workforce to meet global business challenges, companies now devote a lot of efforts, time and money to corporate training. But with less meaningful assessment and little follow-ups, 90% of the new skills were lost within 1 year, some researchers say.

According to experts, what happens before and after training program is as important as the actual instruction itself. Furthermore, effectiveness of the corporate training can be ensured by following:

Analyze your needs: The corporate first should analyze what their training needs are, simply by carrying out training needs analysis. This involves figuring out clearly who needs to be trained and what kind of training is required. A training program without a pre-analysis may not prove to be that effective as it was meant to be.

Focus on Design: The training design needs to be focused for the training – things you do before, during and after the training sessions. The design includes- which technology(s) will be used for training, how the organization will allow the employees to practice the skills and how engaging the learning will be. However the training should be job and result oriented i.e. the employee should not think after the training “So why did I go to the training. I won’t be able to use that in the next three years.”

Select proper guide: Choosing a proper guide for the training program plays a vital role in corporate training programs. The training party or professional should adhere to the following considerations before the company decides to offer training through them:

• Should be approved and authenticated by other organizations to ensure quality of training.
• Should understand day-to-day reality of the organization.
• Should be able to customize their content for the specific firm.

Follow Up: Experts from The Society of Training and Development says that by the time employees go back to their jobs, they’ve lost 90% of what they’ve learned in training. If they don’t use the skills very quickly, they will face big decay very quickly, hence the skills needs to be reinforced and practiced in order to retain the training they received.

Talk to employees: The perspectives and opinions of the employees can be extremely beneficial in shaping the training program making it more effective and company specific. A survey should be conducted at the end or at the later phases if the training to receive feedbacks on what worked and what didn’t.

CADD provides quality training services in a variety of dimensions. Having the biggest network of CAD Training Centres across Asia Pacific and Africa is a training arm of CADD Centre Group, we provide turnkey in-company skill building services and standardized quality development of the employees.